How To Create Your Best Life

First, you have to decide a change is necessary. You can no longer go on living the life you currently have. This does not mean you have to abandon your current life. It just means that it would be more painful for you to continue living your current life than the change that is required to create your new life. So, with that said…

Resolve to make your life better. You deserve better. And, while you are grateful for its many blessings, what you have right now is not enough. You will do whatever it takes to have whatever that better life looks like to you. 

Create a visual or find something that physically represents your current life. Destroy it. Display it somewhere you can see it often and/or take a picture of it and use it is as the background photo on your cell phone or computer. 

Now visualize your new life. Include all five senses in your visualization of your new life- sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. What will your house look like? Your car? Your social life? Your appearance? Your finances? Focus on the details. Replay this visualization often. Play this visualization often- when you first wake up, just before you go to bed, while driving, taking a walk, or while doing anything where you can semi-zone out for a few minutes.

But, visualization is not enough. This is the #1 mistake people make. You have to start acting like the person you want to be. Do some research. How does the person you want to be act? What do they do with their money? How do they treat others? What daily habits do they practice? What have they learned? What books do they read? What do they do in their spare time?

Make a list of everything you have to do to achieve your new life. Keep your list with you and refer to it often. If you find you stray from your list or slide back into old habits, course correct and carry on. 

Think of how your life will look once you have achieved your goal. Your habits determine your outcome. What new habits do you need to incorporate? Start doing them now. If you start acting like a financially free person you will become a financially free person. If you start acting like a manager, you will become a manager. You get the idea. If the “new you” will have regular massages, use your “Play” money to purchase a massage on groupon or find a local massage school. As Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, liked to say: “Fake it ’til you make it”.

For more tips and proven success methods, please check out the blog posts on my site- You can also sign up for email newsletters, the facebook mastermind, or use the Contact Me option to ask me your questionn directly.

All the best,
